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The Ramblings of Master D. Homie

Election Day - Go Vote!!!

clock November 4, 2008 01:08 by author Master D. Homie

As a citizen of the United States of America, you have the right to vote. Now go out and EARN your right to express your level of satisfaction in the coming four years! Go Vote!

Solutions Day

clock September 27, 2008 14:05 by author Master D. Homie

Pay attention people because this is important. Today is Solutions Day you you need to check it out! Go here: http://www.solutionsday2008.com/ As of this post, there are only 5 hours left for the live sessions, but I'm sure you will be able to download some of it later. You also need to check out http://www.americansolutions.com/ Sign the petition if it's still up!